Thursday, June 5, 2008

I dun wan go to school!!!!!

I dun wan go to school!!!!It is so boring!!!Got so many homework,so many exam,boring,boring,boring!!!!! Year 6,wan UPSR,wan Intervensi,wan Diognotik and many exam.So boring!I dun wan UPSR!I dun wan exam!I dun wan go to school!!!! T.T


munmun said...

YaLo, YaLo...
StUdEnT HaV ToO MaNy HoMeWoRk WiLl DiE De AaA...
ThE 杨副 Is A SoT TeAcHeR LaI De...

munmun said...
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Gary Lai said...

yes,u r right.I also don't want to go to school but my reasons are not same as yours.My biggest reason is bcos of a sheep,i mean black sheep......

Abatos said...
