i feel like dying.
still got 1 month is trial alredi.
it should be FEW WEEKS!
And everyone was sooooooo focus on their study.
and ME
still playing shit on the computer,
and thinking some nonsense.
i said:
*only friday and sunday can use computer*
i really do,
other day i use phone to on!
i m trying to love Sejarah,Geografi,Math,or others subject that i dont like,
those subjects still piss me off,though.
[ From now on,i wont online AGAIN. And MUST focus on study.]
i said this thousand times.
But it doesnt works,
yeah i m not enough of determination.
Friday was report card day,
and guess what?
my class only 17 people went to school.
and my result dropped again.
and Sejarah fail summore.
and my dad din scold me!
still bring me to eat Japenese food too!
OMG dun ask me why,
because i also wondering. o.O
But when my mum saw my report card....
she keep nagging there.
it is sooooo ANNOYED.
but is not her fault also la,
who call me din work hard more?
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