Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mid-autumn Festival.

Happy Mooncake Festival Everyone!

Seriously the actual date is when?

Today or tomorrow?

Hahah whatever :P

Yesterday i went to my grandma house for Mooncake Festival family celebration,

My mom's there have a huge family because my grandma have 11 or 10 siblings.

So everytime when got celebration there will be people mountain people sea in my grandma's house


We also walk one small round around my grandma's house,

and many people at mamak store and looking at us,

Hoho how funny was that.

So here's some pictures! :D

My cousins

The adorable cousin ever :P

Selca time!

Take 2

And now i m at home alone,

daddy and mommy went to work,

my bro went to celebrate mooncake festival with his friends.

How sad it is... :'(

And just now i watched again my primary scul photos and videos,


and i gonna cry again....

城里的月光把梦照亮 请守护他身旁